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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Must Have: Thrifty Finds

Happy Election Day! Hope you all made it out the polls and didn't have to wait too long in line. We lucked out and made to our polling venue at just the right time; we arrived after the morning rush and finished in enough time to miss the lunch time lines. After I cast my vote, I decided to do a little shopping.

I'm going to go ahead and call this Must Have: Thrifty Finds edition. Nothing was going to be left behind at the store for someone else to have! Does that sound greedy? I hope not...

First up is something that, well, everyone can have. I found these juice glasses at the Dollar Spot in Target. It's a favorite place of mine and ALWAYS put my total way over budget. How does that happen when everything is a $1, $2.50 at most.

I picked up a few of each design. Can't wait to sit down to breakfast with one of these!

Goodwill was calling my name and since there is a location not too far from Target; I gave in and drove over. This trip did not leave me empty handed. I found this painting for $8. Which is a steal since the previous price marked was $180. Just needs a frame solution and it'll be ready to hang. 

Since updating my desk, I've been in the dark. Literally, I needed a lamp...bad!

This beauty was originally from Ikea. I've got some plans and for $12 and a can of spray paint, I'm down. 

Oh, I'm not done yet. I saved the best for last. An impulse left turn found me at an awesome store in Cockeysville. The front of the store sells gift items; cute dish towels, painted wine glasses, earrings and things. The back consists of spaces that can be rented; most vendors sell painted furniture and reclaimed items. Walking through the different vendor's spaces I found these......

I died. HAD. TO. HAVE. THEM. They set me back $20....beyond worth it!

Anyone else found some must haves lately?