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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ian's 30th Birthday Party

It's the post you have all been waiting for...Ian's 30th Birthday Party!

In December, Ian turned 30 (and yes I know exactly how late this post is...someone keeps reminding me). To celebrate the milestone, Ian decided he wanted to invite all our friends over to eat and drink so that's exactly what I did. In the end we had about 45 people hanging out in the condo and it was a blast!

One can't throw a 30th birthday with out lots of food, Dirty Thirty punch with paper straws and, obviously, a S'mores station in the living room! The menu consisted of flat breads, chicken-on-a-stick with dipping sauces, meats, cheeses and Ruby's amazing popcorn served in individual bags.

For the food set up, I moved the dining room table against the wall and covered it with Kraft paper. Once the table was set I wrote, in chalk, what each item was.

Wine crates at the back of table created height and my favorite berry baskets made an appearance, too.

The S'mores station, in the living room, was loads of fun. I put a Sterno in rocks for roasting marsh mellows and melting chocolate.

My favorite thing was the paper straws with birthday flags...

Food and drink aside, it was an awesome night with some really great people!

Happy 30th Birthday, Husband!